Big River’s Electric Corporation (BREC) to purchase up to 260MW of solar from two developers
Big River Electric Corporation (BREC) and two developers, Community Energy and Geronimo, have executed power purchase agreements (PPA) to build a portfolio of solar assets totaling up to 260MW in western Kentucky. Community Energy will provide Big Rivers with up to 100MWs of energy located in Meade and McCracken Counties, and will be commercially available in early 2023. Geronimo will build 160MW facility located in Henderson/Webster County, and will be commercially available in early 2024.
According to Big Rivers President and CEO, Bob Berry, “Big Rivers is excited to add this renewable energy source to our portfolio for the sole benefit of our Member-Owners”, “this is another example of our commitment to provide safe, reliable and sustainable energy for our Members.”
NRCO managed the RFP and assisted in the PPA negotiations.
The full Big Rivers / Community Energy / Geronimo press release can be found here
Johnson Corner Project Commences Commercial Operation
Sunflower Electric Power Corporation (SEPC) and Lightsource BP have announced that Johnson Corner Solar Project entered commercial operation as of April 7th, 2020, and was constructed by Lightsource BP. Johnson Corner Solar Project is the result of NRCO and SEPC collaborating together to fully develop a shovel ready project. NRCO helped SEPC select the optimal site by scoring and ranking each potential site based on solar irradiance, impacts on LMPs, and grid impacts on harmonics and voltage control. Next, NRCO helped SEPC navigate the SPP Generation Interconnection Agreement (GIA) process by estimating and organizing costs, defining system impacts, and developing a timeline that fit the needs of SEPC’s. NRCO then led and managed the RFP, rebidding the process twice to allow participants to rebid after the Section 201 tariffs were known, allowing developers to submit their best offers. NRCO then worked with SEPC to sell the development to Lightsource BP and become the PPA off-taker. At 20MWac, Johnson Corner is currently the largest solar project constructed in Kansas, more than doubling Kansas’ current 14.1MW capacity.
The full SEPC/Lightsource BP press release can be found HERE
ODEC Increases Portfolio of Distributed Solar Projects
Old Dominion Electric Cooperative (ODEC) has increased its distributed solar portfolio to 15 projects, providing 60MWac of solar in Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. The 15 projects are expected to be in service 2021, further diversifying ODEC’s generation portfolio.
NRCO originated the projects from a competitive RFP process, and NRCO advised ODEC during PPA negotiations.
A full press release can be found Here
AECC’s Wildhorse Wind is Operational
Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corp (AECC) and Southern Power have completed construction of the 100MW Wildhorse Mountain Wind Facility in Pushmatcha County, Oklahoma. Wildhorse Mountain consists of 29 wind turbines manufactured by Vestas.
The project was originated through NRCO’s annual RFI Process, and NRCO advised AECC during PPA negotiations.
A full press release can be found here.
Franklin Rural Electric Cooperative Completes 3 150kW sites
Franklin Rural Electric Cooperative has completed solar projects at three locations in its service territory. Each site consists of a 149kW solar array, totaling about 450kW Franklin’s CEO, Becky Bradburn, said Franklin “could easily save $15,000 – $20,000 in the first year alone” and will be a great benefit to Franklin’s member-customers.
NRCO helped Franklin REC develop the sites, conducted an RFP for an EPC (Solential Energy), and managed the project from inception through final testing. The completion of Franklin’s distributed solar project makes 53 small scale solar projects NRCO has helped its members develop since initially creating sCOOP in 2014.
A full press release can be found here.
Lapetus Energy Project Ribbon Cutting
Brazos Electric Cooperative’s and 7X Energy’s, the originating developer, Lapetus Energy Project has finished construction of a 130MWac solar project located in Andrews County, Texas. The Lapetus Energy Project’s will deliver fixed blocks of energy and be a Hub delivered product for Brazos Electric and its participating distribution members of 94MWs.
NRCO originated the project by running an RFP, and NRCO assisted Brazos and CoServ negotiating the PPA.
Additional detail about the project can be found here
ODEC & EDF Partner to Develop 30MW Portfolio of Distributed Solar
Old Dominion Electric Cooperative (ODEC) and EDF Renewables North America have executed a power purchase agreement (PPA) that will bring 30MWs of solar capacity from a portfolio of distributed solar projects across ODEC’s member service territory in Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. ODEC will purchase 100% of the energy starting in mid-2020 through 2021.
NRCO helped ODEC find and evaluate quality partnerships with a variety of qualified developers. NRCO led the RFP design, solicitation, evaluation, and selection process and will lead negotiations of the PPA. NRCO also has an on-going advisory role to ODEC in the development of the projects.
The full ODEC/EDF press release can be found here
Sunflower Breaks Ground on Johnson Corner Solar
Sunflower Electric Power Corporation (SEPC) and Lightsource BP have broken ground on SEPC’s in house developed 20MWac Johnson Corner solar project in Stanton county Kansas. SEPC has signed a 25-year power purchase agreement with Lightsource BP, which will build, own, and operate Kansas’ largest solar facility to date. Johnson Corner Solar Project is the result of NRCO and SEPC collaborating together to fully develop a shovel ready project. NRCO helped SEPC select the optimal site by scoring and ranking each potential site based on solar irradiance, impacts on LMPs, and grid impacts on harmonics and voltage control. Next, NRCO helped SEPC navigate the SPP Generation Interconnection Agreement (GIA) process by estimating and organizing costs, defining system impacts, and developing a timeline that fit the needs of SEPC’s. NRCO then led and managed the RFP, rebidding the process twice to allow participants to rebid after the Section 201 tariffs were known, allowing developers to submit their best offers. NRCO then worked with SEPC to sell the development to Lightsource BP and become the PPA off-taker. Johnson Corner Solar Project is currently slated for commercial operation in 1st quarter 2020.

The full SEPC/Lightsource BP press release can be found here
Golden Spread Electric becomes 22nd Cooperative Member of NRCO
Carmel, IN — The National Renewable Cooperative Organization (NRCO) is pleased to announce the addition of Golden Spread Electric Cooperative (GSEC) to its membership. Golden Spread Electric Cooperative is the 22nd member of NRCO as of March 1, 2019.
NRCO was formed in 2008 in the spirit of cooperatives partnering to facilitate cost-effective, joint contracting and development of renewable resources for their member-consumers. NRCO functions as a clearinghouse for renewable development opportunities while aggregating its member’s renewable energy needs in addition to providing its members strategic advisory and market intelligence services on evolving renewable and related technologies. NRCO has helped its member owners develop and contract for over 1,600MWs of renewable energy, which serve over 7.8 million homes and 40GW of load from east of the Rocky Mountains to the East Coast and from the Upper MidWest to the SouthEast United States.
Headquartered in Amarillo, Texas, Golden Spread Electric Cooperative is already active in the renewable energy space. The generation and transmission cooperative’s portfolio includes the 78.2MW Panhandle Wind Ranch and has been commercially available since September 7th 2011. Golden Spread also has roughly 200 MW of renewable energy from Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). Joining NRCO will facilitate Golden Spread’s continued effort in understanding renewable energy and the technology advancements associated with it.
Mark Schwirtz, Golden Spread Electric Cooperative’s President & Chief Executive Officer, said “We are pleased to join NRCO. Golden Spread Electric looks forward to vast experience NRCO has in participating in renewable projects across the nation. We know that our membership in NRCO will enhance our ability to meet our long-term objectives.”
“We are pleased that Golden Spread Electric has joined NRCO as its 22nd Class A member. GSEC brings their renewable experience to bear for all our members, which is in keeping with our cooperative mission. We are also looking forward to working with Golden Spread to assist them in meeting their strategic objectives in shaping their portfolio of resources” said Amadou L. Fall, CEO of NRCO.
About NRCO:
Cooperatives across the country formed the National Renewables Cooperative Organization (NRCO) to promote and facilitate the development of renewable energy resources for its members. NRCO’s main purposes are to provide ongoing opportunities for its members to contract and develop cost-effective renewable energy resources, helping its owners meet the requirements of voluntary and mandatory Renewable Energy Standards (RES).
About GSEC:
Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc. is a tax-exempt, consumer-owned public utility, organized in 1984 to provide low cost reliable electric service for its 16 member rural distribution cooperative members. GSEC generates and transmits electricity to approximately 237,000 member-consumers located in the Oklahoma Panhandle and an area covering 24 percent of Texas land area including the Panhandle, South Plains, and Edwards Plateau Regions.
MEDIA CONTACTS: Scott Bradtmiller, Renewable Energy Analyst, NRCO
(317) 344 – 7908, Scott Bradtmiller
(806) 349-5220, John Eichelmann, Vice President, Member Services, GSEC
Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO) and Clenera LLC have executed a power purchase agreement (PPA) that will bring 100MW of solar capacity from Clenera’s Wapello Solar facility in Louisa County, Iowa. CIPCO will purchase 100% of the energy and capacity for 25 years from the Wapello Solar Facility starting in December 2020, while Clenera will retain all renewable attributes from the project. The Wapello Solar facility when complete, will be comprised of bifacial panels with single-axis tracking technology improving performance of the array by 25 – 35% and be the largest solar array in Iowa.
NRCO assisted CIPCO in PPA negotiations with Clenera.
The full CIPCO/Clenera press release can be found here.