Hoosier Energy Rural Electric Cooperative to add 200MW of Solar
WINCHESTER, IN, April 6, 2018 – Hoosier Energy Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. and EDP Renewables (EDPR) have executed a power purchase agreement (PPA) that will bring the 200 MW Riverstart Solar Park to Indiana’s Randolph County. The solar park is expected to be operational in 2022 and will be the largest solar array in the state, producing enough clean electricity to power approximately 37,000 households. The project will also bring economic benefits to the region and to the state of Indiana in the form of jobs, landowner and tax payments, and money spent in local communities.
The full press release can be found here.
Arkansas Electric Cooperative adds 100MWs of solar
Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation (AECC) has announced it will buy up to 100MWac from a 800-acre solar farm near Crossett Arkansas. AECC, a cooperatively owned Generation & Transmission (G&T) entity has entered into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Renewable Energy Systems Inc. (RES) to purchase solar power from Crossett Solar Energy Farm starting in 2021. National Renewable Cooperative Organization(NRCO) helped AECC fine tune language in a solar PPA provided by NRCO. The addition of the solar PPA will raise AECC’s renewable portfolio to 17% of their total generation.
NRCO assisted AECC with the RFP development and contract review.
A full press release can be seen here
WVPA, Ranger Power to Triple Illinois Solar Capacity
Wabash Valley Power’s member co-ops will benefit from recently completed long-term agreements to purchase the energy and capacity generated by what will be the largest solar arrays ever built in Illinois.
Wabash Valley Power will be the sole buyer of the energy produced from two 99-megawatt (MW) arrays to be built by New York-based Ranger Power, a utility-scale solar development company. Wabash Valley Power will purchase the power produced by the arrays, while the renewable energy credits (RECs) associated with the projects will be sold through the Illinois Power Agency REC procurement process.
The full press release can be found here.
Mid-Kansas Electric Company announces solar project
Johnson Corner Solar AnnouncementMid-Kansas Electric Company Inc., along with its sister company Sunflower Electric Power Corporation, announced its plan to purchase renewable energy from a 20-megawatt solar project scheduled for construction in southwest Kansas. The cooperatively operated wholesale generation and transmission utility has signed a 25-year power purchase agreement with Lightsource BP, an independent power producer that will build, own and operate the solar facility.
The National Renewable Cooperative Organization, with its member-owner Mid-Kansas, jointly developed the project and sourced Lightsource BP as Mid-Kansas’ long-term partner.
The full press release can be found here: Mid-Kansas Solar Project News Release
Kansas Lieutenant Governor Tracey Mann joined representatives from Mid-Kansas, Lightsource BP, and NRCO to announce the project on February 27, 2018.

Johnson Corner Solar Project announcement Feb. 27, 2018, at the headquarters of Mid-Kansas Electric Company, Inc., and Sunflower Electric in Hays, Kansas. From left to right: Steve Epperson, chairman of the Mid-Kansas Board of Directors; Stuart Lowry, president and CEO of Mid-Kansas and Sunflower Electric Power Corp.; Kansas Lt. Gov. Tracey Mann; Eric Spigelman, National Renewables Cooperative Organization director of renewables development; Kevin Christy, Lightsource BP, North America, chief operations officer.
EKPC Breaks Ground on Solar Farm in Clark County, KY
NRCO Member EKPC has begun construction on a 60-acre, 32,300 panel solar farm near their headquarters in Clark County, KY. The cooperative will be offering a community solar program off of this 10 MW-dc solar site. Interested customers should inquire here.
The full press release can be found on EKPC’s website, here.

From left to right, Allyson Honaker, Julie Tucker, Todd Barling, David Crews, Jeff Brandt, David Samford, Fernie Williams. Photo by Tim Webb.
Cooperative Energy 52MW Solar Project Begins Construction
HATTIESBURG, Miss. – May 23, 2017 – Hattiesburg-based Cooperative Energy and Origis Energy USA began construction in May on a 52MW solar energy facility, which will provide clean energy to the generation and transmission cooperative’s 423,000 members across Mississippi. Origis Energy has developed and will install and operate the electric generation site, and Cooperative Energy will purchase all power produced at the location.
The 540-acre solar site is located near Sumrall in Lamar County. The site will encompass 206,892 photovoltaic solar panels when completed in December 2017. The project will create approximately 400 jobs during construction.
NRCO Member CIPCO Launches Iowa’s Largest Utility-Based Solar Project
In late 2015, Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO) worked with NRCO to initiate an RFP for the development of the largest utility-based solar project in Iowa. CIPCO has recently selected solar developer Azimuth Energy to develop the project. The multi-site installation will provide 5.5 MW of clean electricity to CIPCO’s Members as part of an ongoing effort to add solar energy to CIPCO’s fleet of energy resources.
The full release can be read at CIPCO’s website, here.