Mid-Kansas Electric Company announces solar project
Johnson Corner Solar AnnouncementMid-Kansas Electric Company Inc., along with its sister company Sunflower Electric Power Corporation, announced its plan to purchase renewable energy from a 20-megawatt solar project scheduled for construction in southwest Kansas. The cooperatively operated wholesale generation and transmission utility has signed a 25-year power purchase agreement with Lightsource BP, an independent power producer that will build, own and operate the solar facility.
The National Renewable Cooperative Organization, with its member-owner Mid-Kansas, jointly developed the project and sourced Lightsource BP as Mid-Kansas’ long-term partner.
The full press release can be found here: Mid-Kansas Solar Project News Release
Kansas Lieutenant Governor Tracey Mann joined representatives from Mid-Kansas, Lightsource BP, and NRCO to announce the project on February 27, 2018.

Johnson Corner Solar Project announcement Feb. 27, 2018, at the headquarters of Mid-Kansas Electric Company, Inc., and Sunflower Electric in Hays, Kansas. From left to right: Steve Epperson, chairman of the Mid-Kansas Board of Directors; Stuart Lowry, president and CEO of Mid-Kansas and Sunflower Electric Power Corp.; Kansas Lt. Gov. Tracey Mann; Eric Spigelman, National Renewables Cooperative Organization director of renewables development; Kevin Christy, Lightsource BP, North America, chief operations officer.