Scott Bradtmiller

Scott Bradtmiller

Scott Bradtmiller joined the National Renewables Cooperative Organization (NRCO) in September of 2017. As a Renewable Energy Analyst, Scott was responsible for providing research and analysis to NRCO staff and members on renewable portfolio standards, power markets, and renewable energy technology.

Scott was promoted to Renewables Developer in August of 2020 and is responsible for leading solar, wind, and battery developments on behalf of NRCO's cooperative Members, presenting market research to Cooperative Members, and manages the NRCO's Community Solar development and operations.  Before joining NRCO, Scott worked for ACES as a Real-Time Trader, managing electric cooperative portfolios in SPP, ERCOT, and CAISO.

Before ACES, Scott worked as a staff accountant for DEEM, a national installer of commercial-grade HVAC and refrigeration equipment. Scott was responsible for invoicing, installation budgets, writing requests for proposals (RFPs), and managing and tracking O&M services. Scott holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from Ball State University.